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Why And How To Break Your Masturbation Habit From Today

Image credit: Researchgate

From my own real-life experiences, I stand very strong to say this: Anyone who says that masturbation is not deeply injurious to our lives is a big liar.

Why? In those days, any time I masturbated, I felt mentally, emotionally, physically, and yes, even spiritually DRAINED. For instance, if I was working on any thinking-intensive project and I masturbated, the ideas would simply fizzle away to God-knows-where and I'd be wondering where they went.

From this, I realized that the act sapped me mentally, reducing my creativity. In other words, it worked against my potential for success, right at the root levels.

So, I don't understand it when some conventional views want to create euphemisms to justify the act.

Well, maybe my experience here is unique. So, now, I want us to settle this publicly like this👇

Healthline's Rachael Almera quotes a study carried out among older adults which estimated that "between 27 to 40 percent of women and 41 to 65% of men reported masturbating within the past month".

Also, according to a calculation from different sources, men masturbate an average of 2 - 3 times per week while women do the same an average of 1 - 2 times per week. 

So, if you have ever masturbated, can you please share your honest experience whenever you did it? You can share your experience as a comment below or here on X. Anyone who is not comfortable participating in this public exercise can stay away.

How To Stop Masturbation?

Well, until proven otherwise by other people's experiences, let me build on the premise of my own experiences. For me, those profoundly negative experiences I got from every instance of masturbation were enough reasons to want to break the habit. And, I did.

Now, if you are like me back then (ie. if you realize the negative impact of masturbation on your life and want to break the habit), you might find my strategy helpful. Here is the 3-point strategy:

  1. Write down the negative impacts of masturbation on your life. Take time to do this exhaustively.
  2. Once the list is ready, keep it in a safe but easily accessible place, and go over it first thing every morning and last thing every night. Do this as long as it takes you to develop a major dislike for the act.
  3. As you go ahead with item 2, also take measures to transform the psychic energy you use for masturbation into a dynamic energy to power one of your biggest passions, and get it actualized as a lucrative career.

That's what I did. But, how precisely did I go about item 3? It requires some structured explanation and exercises over time. So,...

I would like to give a 100% free online seminar on how I did and still do this. But, this is dependent on if there are enough people who are interested in attending such a seminar.

So, if you'd like to participate in such a seminar, like this post on X. The number of likes on the post will tell me the number of people ready to attend the proposed online seminar.

After 72 hours of the X post, I will announce further updates on the seminar via that same X handle. Thanks. Kindly share this👇


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